Two weeks ago, I was watching a robin on our roof with some straws in his beak. As long as I watched, he never moved. Later, I discovered the nest in a holly bush next to the front steps. Great, I thought. We can be observers of a robin's blessed event! The very next day pandemonium broke loose in front of the house. A cement mixer pulled in front and stopped with the mixer thingee running non-stop. The neighbor next door was having work done in the back yard. The mixer ran all day. Across the street, there was another small cement mixer mixing away for the work they were having done in their back yard! This commotion went on for two days. The next day, Mr. Le, the yard man for us, pulled up with his aerator and de-thatcher to work on the yard. Photographers were on the sidewalk along the lake in the back of the house taking pictures of kids going to the prom that night. I never saw a feather of a robin during that time. Periodically, from that time, a robin would act interested again, probably waiting to see if all hell was going to break loose again. Thankfully, for the robin and us, everything has come together and the results are in the attached picture. The blog will keep updates as indicated.