I used to think the saying "birds of a feather flock together" was in the bible somewhere, but my research has found that the saying didn't appear until around 1599.
Anyhow, on the lake that is adjoining our property, and which is the source of much of my ramblings, provides some interesting events. The event I am describing is not new, but today I got a picture. I am also enclosing a picture of one of the winter goose gatherings, which the swans were not able to control.
There are two resident swans on the lake. No one is for sure about their gender but they have been seen attempting to mate, unsuccessfully. One has a lesion on it's back that a vet has said was malignant. Anyhow, they are very possessive of their water territory, especially when it comes to the Canada goose. They don't seem to mind the Mallard ducks.We have seen more than 200 geese on the lake in the winter. Most of them are up north for the summer but a few always stay around. When they fly in, the swans go on the prowl and chase them off the water. It's OK to be on the grass, but when they try to get in the water the swan fluffs the wings and swims quickly after them. The geese meekly surrender and sometimes just fly away. I'm not sure about any human application here but you, the reader, can come up with a multitude of circumstances I'm sure.