
Bettylou and Joe Ralston 5-24-1952

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring in Kansas

Today is March 20, 2010, the first day of Spring. Yesterday in Wichita, Kansas, the temperature was 69*, sunny, although a wee bit windy. It is usually windy in Kansas. Like the proverbial lion of March, here it came last night with teeth bared and blowing ice crystals. At 7:30 AM today it was a literal blizzard and almost a whiteout-blowing horizontally-and the lake had whitecaps. Not a good day for a walk, but rather one to peruse the situation from afar along with a hot cup of coffee and sitting by the fireplace. It was reassuring to see the birds of Spring on the ground and in the tree getting their share of nourishment. Tomorrow, we are greeters at the church. We will prepare for the task by wearing our winter finery and telling everyone "Good morning and isn't this a fine day?" By then the temperature may be a modest 40*. But there is hope! Next week it will be in the 70's!

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