What does 58 mean? Lots of different things of course. For example the infamous Nero was Emperor of Rome in 58 A.D. In the old testament, Psalm 58 speaks of punishment but also reward for the righteous. But, to Bettylou and Joe, it means the 58th year of marriage. What happened on that day, May 24, 1952?
As I was walking into the church, Hough Avenue Baptist on Hough Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, a lightning flash was followed by a tremendous clap of thunder. Did that have any ominous portent of things to come? Not really. It did release a colossal downpour of rain. Jane Bennet told Bettylou later that her shoes were soaked! The wedding attendants were all there, some a little damp. Gretchen Milner Hurst was the pretty young junior maid of honor. Her father, Bob, was the unofficial photographer. Donald McDonald (father of Gordon) was the officiating minister. Ken Grigsby sang. Janet Lewis Woods was the organist. My best man, Jim Mahoy, a classmate from high school and roommate from college, commented on the large crowd in attendance. My attendant, Kermit Heidt, a classmate from Ohio State veterinary college, tied my shoelaces together. Bettylou's cousin, Martha Sprout Metz, from Parkersburg, WV was the matron of honor. Her husband Elzie, was very busy dashing around Cleveland picking up various last minute necessities. Carol Bergen, friend of Bettylou was a bridesmaid.
The reception was a wedding gift from good friends Gretchen and Bob Milner. It was held at the charming Chagrin Falls home of George Milner, where his granddaughter Gretchen Milner Hurst and her husband, Dr. Bud, now reside. We drove off in our new 1951 Ford, with tin cans attached to the bumper banging away. We had dinner at the Aurora Inn and later spent the night at the Milner home where the reception had been held. Then it was off to a brief honeymoon to Cook's forest in northern Pennsylvania.
Our first residence was to be in a new apartment complex in Euclid, OH where I carried BL over the threshold. It was the second attempt because the first time a nosy neighbor across the hall came out to see what was going on!
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